Pages to Ponder: "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

Pages to Ponder: "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

I read an incredible book years ago called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, a timeless work by Dr. Joseph Murphy. First published in 1963, Murphy's book was one of the first books that fueled my understanding of the power of positive thinking. What I loved most about this book's message was how it taught me to verbalize the positive in the thoughts, comments, and declarations I was making – each of which, unbeknownst to me, were setting my intentions and subconsciously making micro-commitment with the universe. 

Here is a quick example of what shifting my self-diagnosis of “underpaid & overworked” to “overpaid & underworked” created; suddenly I had money in the bank, more time for myself, and gourmet meals to indulge in. Trust me, it works!  Bottom line is this: if you're struggling with negative self-talk, I suggest you visit your local library and check this book out. And, in the meantime, ask yourself this: what are the phrases I'm repeating that are keeping me down and sabotaging my success?

How to Start [Something, That Thing, Anything]

How to Start [Something, That Thing, Anything]

Pages to Ponder: "Entreleadership"

Pages to Ponder: "Entreleadership"