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This mantra sits at the core of our beliefs here at Successgirl. You have what it takes to be the woman you want to be, and it's sitting within you – the conviction, the resolve, the wisdom – and here at Successgirl we want to share what we can from our years of experience to help you coax that best-version-of-yourself out of you.

Inside our blog you'll find musings from our creator, Patricia, as well as a host of guest writers, on topics surrounding health, fitness, entrepreneurship, relationships, travel, cooking, and a number of other lifestyle-driven subjects. We invite you to find a cozy reading nook, be it in your home or at your favorite coffee shop (if you find yourself in Southern California, click here to check out Patricia's coffee shop, which also happens to be our favorite hang-out spot), and spend some time sifting through our blog. We encourage you to read the posts that you think most interesting, and those that you might feel reluctant to read; we find that reading those two categories of content is typically what our souls need.

You're already the girl of your dreams. 
Now go and be her.

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